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日期:2020-09-04 11:07

Prepared for s4518306. Do not distribute.

School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

CSSE2310— Semester 2, 2020

Assignment 1 (v1.1)

Due: 04 September 2020 23:59

Marks: 60

Weighting: 33% of your overall assignment mark (CSSE2310)


Your task is to write a program (called naval) which simulates a naval battle between the player

and an automated opposing side (called CPU in this document).

Both sides, the player and the CPU, have a grid board where their ships are placed. The player

cannot see the positions of the automated player’s ships and must make guesses to determine their

position. Likewise, the automated player will try to guess the player’s ship locations. To make the

assignment simpler, the CPU player’s ’guesses’ will be read from a file specified on the command

line. You do not need to create an AI algorithm for this assignment!

The ship positions for each player will be read from files specified on the command line.

Student conduct

This is an individual assignment. You should feel free to discuss general aspects of C programming

and the assignment specification with fellow students, including on Piazza. In general,

questions like ”How should the program behave if hthis happensi?” would be safe, if they are

seeking clarification on the specification.

You must not actively help (or seek help from) other students with the actual design and coding

of your assignment solution. It is cheating to look at another student’s assignment code

and it is cheating to allow your code to be seen or shared in printed or electronic form

by others. All submitted code will be subject to automated checks for plagiarism and collusion.

If we detect plagiarism or collusion, formal misconduct proceedings will be initiated against you,

and those you cheated with. That’s right, if you share your code with a friend, both of you are

in trouble.

Uploading or otherwise providing the assignment specification to a third party

including online tutorial and contract cheating websites is considered misconduct.

The university is aware of these sites and they do cooperate with us in misconduct investigations.

The course coordinator reserves the right to conduct interviews with students

about their submissions, for the purposes of establishing genuine authorship. If you

write your own code, you have nothing to fear from this process.

In short - Don’t risk it! If you’re having trouble, seek help early from a member of the teaching

staff. Don’t be tempted to copy another student’s code or to use an online cheating service. You

should read and understand the statements on student misconduct in the course profile and on the

school web-site:



The program (naval) will take four filenames as parameters. The first file will describe the board

and rules for the game. The second and third file describe the locations of the players and CPU

ships respectively. The fourth file contain the positions that the CPU player will guess during their

turn. Example usage is below.

./naval standard.rules player.map cpu.map cpu.turns

Spec clarification: These are example file names - your program should parse the

commandline to get these names, and make no assumptions about them. If files foo,


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bar, baz and beep exist in the current working directory, and have vaild contents as a

rule, map and turns files respectively, then the following commandline would also be

expected to work.

./naval foo bar baz beep

Rules file

To make things simpler to begin with, specifying standard.rules as the rules file will use the

following rules (even if there is no file called standard.rules):

Spec clarification: If the first argument to your program is the string “standard.rules”,

then you may use hard-coded rules that are equivalent to the rules file listed below.

This is purely to make it easier to get started creating your program. If you fully

implement rules file parsing, then you don’t need to worry about this because you can

treat “standard.rules” like any other filename, just read it and work with it. Note

there are additional functionality marks allocated to handling non-stnadard rules, so

you should be aiming for this anyway.

? The grid will be 8 by 8 cells.

? There will be five ships in the following order:

Ship 1: 5 cells long.

Ship 2: 4 cells long

Ship 3: 3 cells long

Ship 4: 2 cells long

Ship 5: 1 cells long

The format for the rules file is as follows (all lines end in \n):

? Lines beginning with the ‘#’ character are comments, and must be ignored

? The first line consists of two positive integers (>0) giving the width and height of the board.

? The next line consists of a single integer giving the number of ships for each player. You may

assume there will not be more than 15 ships per player.

? The rest of the file consists of lines with a single integer describing the length of each ship.

So standard.rules could be written:

# 8x8 board

8 8

# 5 ships per player


# Here follow the ship lengths

Listing 1: Format of rules file

Please do not commit a standard.rules file to your subversion repository.


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Map files

The two map files describing the locations of ships (called a map file) will each consist of lines

describing the position and orientation of each ship.

? Lines beginning with ’#’ are to be ignored.

? all other lines shall have the following form (ending in \n only):

xy d

where x is a capital letter (starting at ‘A’) and y is positive integer (starting at 1) which give

the column and row where the ship begins. So, the top-left space is ‘A1’.

The d is one of N, S, E, W indicating the direction the rest of the ship is relative to the

start point. N (North) is up, S (South) is down, E (East) is right, and W (West) is left.

For example, on an 8x8 board, Listing 2 would represent the following map (see note below for

exact on-screen representation).

Listing 2: Sample map file

Ships are not permitted to overlap or extend beyond the grid (e.g. positioning the

second ship at A3 S would be invalid)

CPU turns file

The CPU turns contains a list of positiosn which will be guessed by the CPU, one after another.

? Lines beginning with ’#’ are to be ignored.

? all other lines shall have the following form (ending in \n only):

xy which have the same meaning as the coordinate system described for map files above.

# Here are the CPU player guesses




# This one will probably be off the board


# This one is invalid, I hope my error checking works


Listing 3: Sample CPU turn file


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Notes on input handling

Specification clarification

In general, your program should be flexible and forgiving when reading input from files and

stdin. This means, for example, handling extraneous white space between items, leading and

trailing spaces, e.g.

# The following would be valid lines in a map file

A3 S

B4 W

Listing 4: Example of flexible input

If you are expecting to read an integer, you should only accept valid integers. Malformed

numbers like that shown below should cause an error to be generated.

# The following is an invalid board file, the integers are damaged

# 8x8 board

8 8blahblah


Listing 5: Example of bad board file input


The following describes the gameplay sequence

1. Display the CPU and player boards:

? Print the CPU player’s board. CPU ship locations are not revealed, only the locations

of the player’s previous guesses.

? Print three ’equals’ (=) signs

? Print the player board, showing the player’s ships locations as numbers, and the positions

of previous CPU guesses

? Previous guesses by player or CPU are show as misses (’\’) or hits (’*’)

Example gameplay and output

1. Display the CPU player board with no ships revealed and the row/column headers of the

board. Then display the players board with ships revealed.

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7 ........

8 ........

Listing 6: Sample board output before any turns are made

Notes on board display:

? Locations of previous guesses by the player are displayed on the CPU player board as

– ‘\’ - misses

– ‘*’ - hits

? Empty or hidden locations are printed as a full stop (’.’)

? On the player board, ships are displayed as a number from ’1’ to ’F’ (hexadecimal),

representing the order they were loaded from the map file. i.e. the ship specified on the

first line of the map file will be displayed with the number ‘1’.

? Any hits by the CPU on player ship are displayed as ’*’,rather than the the ship number

(see example gameplay below for clarification).

? Do not display the location of CPU misses.

? The column headings are capital letters from ‘A’ upwards. The column header has three

leading spaces so that it lines up with the rest of the board grid.

? The row headings are numbered from ‘1’ up to the number of rows.

– Row numbers up to 10 are to have a leading space, e.g. ‘ 1’, ‘ 2’, ‘15’.

– All row numbers shall have a single trailing space.

? The maximum board width is 26 (column ‘Z’).

? The maximum board height is 26.

2. Take the player’s turn

(a) Display the prompt:

(Your move)>

There is no space or newline following the prompt.

(b) Read from standard input to get the player’s guess.

If the coordinates given match the location of a CPU player ship, then the program

should print “Hit”.

If the coordinates do not match then print “Miss”.

If a user repeats a guess, output the message “Repeated guess”, and reprint the prompt

and read another guess.

If the input is too big, too small or invalid in some other way, then the program should

print “Bad guess”, reprint the prompt and read another guess.

(c) When the last cell of a ship has been hit, the program should print “Ship sunk”.

3. If the CPU’s last ship has been sunk the program should print “Game over - you win” and

then exit with return code 0.

4. Take the CPU player’s turn. The sequence for the CPU player is identical for the human

player with the following exceptions:

? The CPU’s guess is read from the provided CPU turns file, one line at a time ignoring

comments (lines starting with ’#’).

? The CPU’s guess is printed to the screen immediately following the prompt, e.g.

(CPU move)>G5


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? If the end of the CPU turn file is reached, the program should print “CPU player gives

up” and then exit. See ”Error Codes” below for details of the required exit code.

Note that the CPU’s guess is error checked and reported exactly the same as the human

player - ”Hit”, ”Miss”, ”Repeated guess” and ”Bad guess”. Repeated or bad guesses cause

CPU’s turn to be repeated until a valid guess is made.

5. If the player’s last ship has been sunk the program should print “Game over - you lose” and

then exit with return code 0.

6. If the game is not over go to Step 1

The following shows an example session. Note that in this example, the player and the CPU

have the same board layout, e.g.

./naval standard.rules test.map test.map cpu.turns

This will not normally be the case!

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Listing 7: Sample gameplay

Upon game completion the program should exit with status 0. Please note that your program

output must match this specification exactly. The functionality part of your assignment will be

evaluated programmatically so deviation (even in matters like whitespace) is not acceptable. If

your assignment cannot perform simple tasks it may not be tested for more complex functionality.

For example if your program can read a map file but cannot display it we cannot determine if it

has read the file correctly.

Error Handling

The table below describes how your program should respond to error conditions. The message

should be printed to standard error and then the program should exit with the appropriate

return code.

Under normal operation, your program should exit with status zero.

There should not be any combination of input which causes your program to crash or loop

indefinitely (except of course if the user repeatedly guesses the same cells).

All files should be opened before either of them are processed (rules first, then map). If the

standard rules are in use (and you are not reading a file) pretend that it opened successfully.

Extra parameters on the command line should be silently ignored.

Errors marked with ’*’ below indicate updates from a previous version of the spec


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Error Message Exit status

Not enough parameters Usage: naval rules playermap cpumap turns 10

Rules file is missing or unreadable

Missing rules file 20

Player map file is missing or


Missing player map file 30

*CPU map file is missing or


Missing CPU map file 31

*CPU turns file is missing or


Missing CPU turns file 40

Error processing rules file Error in rules file 50

Ships overlap in player map Overlap in player map file 60

Ships overlap in CPU map Overlap in CPU map file 70

Ship out of bounds in player


Out of bounds in player map file 80

Ship out of bounds in CPU


Out of bounds in CPU map file 90

Other error processing player

map file

Error in player map file 100

Other error processing CPU

map file

Error in CPU map file 110

Error processing turns file Error in turns file 120

Player input runs out before

game is over

Bad guess 130

CPU input (moves) run out

before game is over

CPU player gives up 140


You must follow version 2.0.4 of the CSSE2310/COMP7306 C programming style guide available

on the course BlackBoard site.


Your submission must include all source and any other required files (in particular you must submit

a Makefile). Do not submit compiled files (eg .o, compiled programs).

Do not submit rules, board or CPU moves files (including standard.rules).

Your program must compile with:


Your program must be compiled under gcc with at least the following switches:

-pedantic -Wall --std=gnu99

You are not permitted to disable warnings or use pragmas to hide them.

If any errors result from the make command (i.e. the naval executable can not be created)

then you will receive 0 marks for functionality (see below). Any code without academic merit will

be removed from your program before compilation is attempted (and if compilation fails, you will

receive 0 marks for functionality).

Your program must not invoke other programs or use non-standard headers/libraries.

Your assignment submission must be committed to your subversion repository under


where sXXXXXXX is your moss/UQ login ID.

Your submission will be assessed by the contents of your SVN repository at the

due date/time. Any subversion commits after the due date will be ignored.


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Spec update: Sorry I got this wrong first time. We will initialise your repositories

with the correct structure. If you have already created the structure documented in an

earlier version of this spec, don’t panic. Please email csse2310@helpdesk.eait.uq.edu.au

and we will help you sort it out.

You must ensure that all files needed to compile and use your assignment (including a Makefile)

are committed and not just sitting in your working directory. Do not commit compiled files or

binaries. You are strongly suggest encouraged to check out a clean copy for testing purposes.

The late submission policy in the CSSE2310 Electronic Course Profile applies. Be familiar with



Marks will be awarded for functionality and style and documentation.

Functionality (42 marks)

Provided your code compiles (see above), you will earn functionality marks based on the number of

features your program correctly implements, as outlined below. Partial marks will be awarded for

partially meeting the functionality requirements. Not all features are of equal difficulty. If your

program does not allow a feature to be tested then you will receive 0 marks for that

feature, even if you claim to have implemented it. For example, if your program can never open

a file, we can not determine if your program can detect hits correctly. The markers will make no

alterations to your code (other than to remove code without academic merit).

Marks will be assigned in the following categories.

1. Program correctly handles invalid command lines (2 marks)

2. With standard rules, ships horizontal (east) [16 total]

? Correctly handle “hit” (2 marks)

? Correctly handle “miss” (2 marks)

? Correctly detect “sunk” (2 marks)

? Correctly handle bad guess (1 mark)

? Correctly play whole game (7 marks)

? Correctly detect invalid maps (2 marks)

3. With standard rules, ships in any direction same breakdown as #2 [16 total]

4. Non-standard rules [8 total]

? detect invalid map (1 mark)

? detect invalid rules (1 mark)

? Correctly play whole game (6 marks)

Style (8 marks)

Style marks will be calculated as follows: Let

? A be the number of style violations detected by style.sh plus the number of compilation


? H be the number of additional style violations detected by human markers. Violations will

not be counted twice

If A > 10 (i.e. you have more than 10 automatic style violations), then your style mark is 0

and H will not be calculated. Otherwise, your style mark is broken into two parts:


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? an automatic mark (MA = 4 × 0.8

A), and

? a human marker mark (MH = MA ? 0.5 × H) (i.e. your human mark is capped by your

automatic mark and you lose 0.5 marks for each style violation detected by a human marker)

Your final style mark will then be

? S = MA + max{0, MH}

The number of compilation warnings will be the total number of distinct warning lines reported

during the compilation process described above. The number of style guide violations refers to the

number of violations of version 2.0.4 of the CSSE2310 C Programming Style Guide.

A maximum of 5 violations will be penalised for each broad guideline area. The broad guideline

areas are Naming, Comments, Braces, Whitespace, Indentation, Line Length and Overall. For

naming violations, the penalty will be one violation per offending name (not per use of the name).

You should pay particular attention to commenting so that others can understand your code.

The marker’s decision with respect to commenting violations is final - it is the marker who has

to understand your code. To satisfy layout related guidelines, you may wish to consider the

indent(1) tool. Your style mark can never be more than your functionality mark - this prevents

the submission of well styled programs which don’t meet at least a minimum level of required


You are encouraged to use the ’style.sh’ tool installed on moss to style check your code before

submission, however the marker has ultimate discretion – the tool is only a guide.

Documentation (10 marks)

PDF document containing a written overview of the architecture and design of your

program (7 marks)

This document should describe, at a general level, the functional decomposition of the program,

the key design decisions you made and why you made them. For example you might describe the

approach you took to keeping track of user guesses, hits, and ship sinking, and the approach you

took to reading map and rules files.

? Submitted via Blackboard/TurnItIn prior to the due date/time

? maximum 1 A4 page in 12 point font

? diagrams are permitted up to 25% of the page area. The diagram must be discussed in the

text, it is not ok to just include a figure without explanatory discussion

Don’t overthink this! The purpose is to demonstrate that you can communicate important

design decisions, and write in a meaningful way about your code. To be clear, this document is

not a restatement of the program specification - it is a discussion of your design and your code.

If your documentation obviously does not match your code, you will get zero for

this component, and be asked to explain why.

SVN commit history assessment (3 marks)

Markers will review your SVN commit history for your assignment from the time of handout up

to the due date.

This element will be graded according to the following principles

? Appropriate use and frequency of commits (e.g. a single monolithic commit of your entire

assignment will yield a score of zero for this section)

? Appropriate use of log messages to capture the changes represented by each commit

Again, don’t overthink this. We understand that you are just getting to know subversion, and

you won’t be penalised for a few “test commit” type messages. However, the markers must get a

sense from your commit logs that you are practising and developing sound software engineering

practices by documenting your changes as you go. In general, tiny changes deserve small comments

- larger changes deserve more detailed commentary.


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Total mark


? F be the functionality mark for your assignment.

? S be the style mark for your assignment.

? D be the documentation mark for your assignment.

Your total mark for the assignment will be

M = F + min{F, S} + min{F, D}.

In other words, you can’t get more marks for style or documentation than you do for functionality.

Pretty code that doesn’t work will not be rewarded!

Late Penalties

Late penalties will apply as outlined in the course profile.

Specification Updates

Any errors or omissions discovered in the assignment specification will be added here, and new versions

released with adequate time for students to respond prior to due date. Potential specification

errors or omissions can be discussed on Piazza or emailed to csse2310@helpdesk.eait.uq.edu.au.


? Fix error in SVN repository structure instructions (Section “Submission”)

? Clarify handling of standard.rules (Section “Rules file”)

? Clarify interpretation of command line arguments and filenames (Section “Specification”)

? Clarify general handling of input files and errors (Section “Notes on input handling”)

? Update error message and exit code table (Section “Error Handling”)

? Update style marking to include human-assessed style component (Section “Style (8 marks)”)




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